Great post! I'm new to the platform but love how easy it is to navigate. I have a wordpress hosted website that I need to switch to self-hosted at some point. I am used to writing blog posts on my website but will now put most of my writing on Substack and just add key updates on my website, (and try to direct them over to my substack).

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Nothing says "professional" quite like self-hosted WordPress, but WordPress doesn't come with its own community or native ability to host podcasts. Anything like that will cost you extra.

I'm always cautious of free services. You know what they say, "If it's free, YOU are the product."

I haven't found that to be the case with Substack. They will encourage you to monetize because that's how they make money, but it's not a must. I've had trouble finding the cons.

I hope it's the same for you.

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Yes, the podcast feature here is nice!

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Their video is in beta - https://on.substack.com/p/video-on-substack

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